Ryan is the one that gets the kids up out of bed in the morning. So he came into the bedroom and informed me that it looked like we had a caveman that stayed at the house last night. I was a little confused. Since Tyler is nocturnal, instead of going to sleep at night he has been known for taking out every toy, piece of clothing or what ever is in a box out and displaying it all over the floor. The kiddo will be up until 11pm before he finally falls asleep somewhere. I was expecting that what I was about to see was going to be similar to the normal room destruction that happens on a regular basis.
Our wonderful son, or maybe it was a CAVEMAN, decided in the middle of the night that he needed to find an artistic outlet and practice his crayon work.Note evidence photo #1. He got really into detail with the character on the top! Hair AND ears! I sure hope that he wasn't drawing mommy and daddy. And if he was, I'm sure that I would at least have hair, right?
Photo evidence #2... Wait, maybe it wasn't Tyler. Could we really have had a CAVEMAN here in the house? So cryptic and abstract! Note the character on the left. A mistake was made and the "artist" realized that crayon does NOT erase. An "X" mark tells us, "Don't look here!".
Mommy lesson: If you do not want Cavemen staying in your home, do not leave out a big white folding table. It screams, "COLOR HERE!".

And finally, photo evidence #4. We have finally realized that this was in fact NOT a cave man, but our lovely, artistic son. Read carefully: you can make out "Ace" and then "Tyler". AH HA! "Ace" is Tyler's friend at school and my little boy can now write words! Awwwww. How can mommy and daddy be mad? It's the first official "word" other than his name that he wrote all by himself!
Anyone got some cleaning solution? Bleach? I have some "canvas" cleaning to take care of...
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