Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So it's been a looooong time since I have updated and apologies to those who follow our family. Kindergarten started September 3rd and it's been sort of a struggle. We have had to change our morning routine a little and that would throw off anyone, age 5 to 105. His first day was full of fear and tears but Ryan and I were both there with him. There was a little confusion at the start of the day. The class that he was in was with K and 1st TOGETHER. Um, yeah. That's a little weird. The class was just put together the day before and I was a little upset at that since the room that he was suppose to be in had his friend Sergio from his other school. I think that Tyler was really upset that he wasn't in his class either. We had been told that they were in the same class, so of course we then told Tyler that. I feel bad for letting him down.

After about an hour, we were able to leave Tyler with out too much trouble. When I came to pick him up, he said that he had a lot of fun. He also enjoys the after school program so much that he didn't want to come home with me!!! =) So that is wonderful, but he is still really tearful when I take him in the morning. I'm hoping that he eases in soon and makes some friends.

Pictures will be coming soon!


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