Friday, May 18, 2007

5 Days...

There hasn't been all that much that has happened. Just counting down the days until we load up the truck and pull out of the drive way. Excited? YES! Nervous? Um, yeah... Sad? You bet! Ryan and I are going to miss everyone here: My mom and Karen, Ryan's Dad and Barb, friends, neighbors and the rest of the family. It's going to be different not having our family and friends down the street...

Anyways, Aislynn had her EEG on Wednesday and she did great! We put her to bed at 11pm and Ryan woke her up at 3am. She did remarkably well for only getting 4 hours of sleep. No fussiness, whining, or crying. She sat with Ryan and watched cartoons!

We arrived at the hospital at 9:50am and checked in. We then made our way back to the neurology department. The goal was to get Aislynn to fall asleep and then they would put the electrodes on her head. She didn't fall asleep very easily... but we turned on the tv in the room and after about 10 minutes she was out. the tech came in and went to work.

They ran the test for about 15 minutes. Aislynn slept the whole time and woke up as they were taking the last electrode off of her head. We will have results in a few days (I'm hoping that we'll hear something today!).

Grandma Debbie has been taking Tyler and Aislynn out and they are enjoying the time that they are spending with her. Tyler spent the day with her on Wednesday. Yesterday they went out, and today they are going to go to Chuck E. Cheese (my LEAST favorite place on Earth. Does anyone else find this place creepy?).

So that's the past few days in a nutshell.


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