We all are struggling with the rise of basically the cost of living. Some people are really feeling the pinch more than others. With gas inching closer towards $4.00 a gallon, it's become a realization that my family is going to have to find other ways to get around or some how cut back on how much we drive. Congress recently gathered our beloved oil executives to see what the hell is going on. They said that this 40 BILLION profit that they are taking is going to be used for future advancements such as technology for cleaner burning fuel, and investments dow the road when they aren't making the money that they are now. Congress basically said that this profit building has been going on too long. That's not too hard to see, is it? Anyways, I belong to a message board with a group of wonderful moms that I have known since I became pregnant with Tyler. We were talking about the struggles that our families are having with the higher gas prices, and one lady replied, "Actually, the higher oil prices are GREAT for us right now since dh works in the oil industry. His bonuses have been nice and big lately. "
Seriously? Is this what the oil companies are also doing with their profits? I'm sorry, but I'm getting beaten up at the gas pump, we have to really stretch our earnings to just put gas in the car to GO TO WORK, and your husband is benefiting from all of this? I'm happy that her family is living comfortably during this oil crisis, but wouldn't that be something that you would kind of keep under wraps?
I usually don't get so upset with comments that are make on issues, as they are almost always someone's opinion and everyone is entitled to them. But I had no idea that these oil companies were passing out bonuses to their employees. Hmmmm, do you think the oil companies told congress that they were sharing the wealth with employees? I'm sure they deserve it, I'm not that mean...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
What The Oil Executives Left Out While Talking To Congress...
Posted by The Ross Family at 3:46 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
So I just need to sugar coat everything...
On Monday we had our visit to the psychologist. I'm not going to go into every detail of the session, but it basically came down to Tyler's anger and what we need to do about it. Basically Ryan and I are to talk like this:
- "Hey Dad (Ryan)!!! That was SO NICE of you to make dinner tonight for our family! Tyler, wasn't that nice of daddy?"
- "I had such an EXCITING day today! I sat outside for lunch and it was WONDERFUL!"
- "Aislynn, wasn't that so kind of Mommy to make you pancakes for breakfast today?!?!"
It's just silly. The dr. said that Tyler may be picking up on some of our stresses at home. Honestly, I think that she is crazy because I'm not feeling really all that much stress - unless the stress coming from his behavior counts. She also wanted us to try some sort of reward system with him, but everything that she suggested, we have tried already. So I think that is why she just wanted us to try this out first. My initial thoughts are, "This is so against what I believe in. Acting FAKE around people, even worse YOUR children! How is that going to teach them to not scream at you and tell you that they HATE you? But I'm willing to try anything at this point. We aren't sure if it is an attention or ADHD thing. Ryan was out of town Tuesday - Thursday, so I dumped all of this sweetness by myself. It actually did work. Tyler would get upset and start to act up, but I just doled out the sweetness and he changed his attitude. It just doesn't feel right. I mean, if he's banging the vacuum attachment against the wall and doesn't stop after I ask him 4 or 5 times, why is it effective when I say, "Oh Tyler! You have to stop banging up the walls and taking chunks out of them, but my oh MY are you great at keeping a rhythm!!! You would be such a COOL DRUMMER! Now give mommy a hug, you rock star!"
On Friday we go to the dr. again and this time Dr. Wedge will meet Tyler. I'm not sure how he is going to take to her, but maybe once she meets him she will get more to work with.
Posted by The Ross Family at 9:43 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Before I Go To Sleep...

Posted by The Ross Family at 9:43 PM 2 comments